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Our Expertise

Our expertise in design of medium and low temperature refrigeration systems extend to a full gambut of applications.

In Process and Product Cooling – be it Air, Liquid or Solids


Chilled Water and Glycol Systems, including Dx Oil Coolers

Our Air-cooled and Water-cooled Liquid Chillers are designed to operate under demanding environment to meet process needs. We also have in our portfolio Direct Oil Coolers capable of operating with Hydraulic oil and Cutting fluids used in machining. 



Refrigeration Equipment for Chill & Freezer Rooms, Blast Freezers

 We provide complete Cold Storage Refrigeration Solutions. Air-cooled and Water-cooled  ondensing Units incorporating new generation Compressors operating on eco-friendly refrigerants coupled with Medium and Low Temperature Unit Coolers along with requisite Electricals.



Climate Control Systems

ELECTRONS designed and built a sophisticated Climate Control System for India’s leading Automotive braking systems manufacturer, for their Brake Dyno Test Rig with temperature ranging from -20degC to +30degC with Humidity Control, Air Velocity control. The system was based on Electric Expansion Valves for precise control based on a PLC platform besides Frequency Drive control of compressors for reduced operating costs.

ELECTRONS is always ready for the challenge in Design and Build of Custom Engineered Systems to meet the exacting requirements of our clients.